100 Days of Happiness: Day 14

I’m two days off track in writing, but that is what the focus of my happiness for this entry: pressing the pause button and appreciating life by taking a step back. My dad always tells me that you can do what you love, and do it until you die, but if you don’t take a break to rest your bones and rest your mind, you might end up off course or burnt out.

Even with things as simple as writing in a journal everyday, there’s a point where taking a “vacation” is healthy. Letting your mind rest and not worry about something you need to do, by your own standards or by others. It’s like working: you need a weekend. Maybe not as frequently, but there are times when it’s necessary. You just need to have the strength of willpower to get you back on track when it’s time to go again.

I’m happy to have thing take up my time: my art, writing, cooking, friends, local shows (and non-local shows), work, school, volunteering, etc. And at the same time, I am happy to have small breaks from all of those things when the time is right. Taking a breather is just as important as being productive when you lead a full life.